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Welcome to the Creative Roots Challenge!

Creative Roots Challenge

Hi friends, and welcome to my very neglected blog! 

There was a time when I blogged on the regular, *tumbleweed rolls by barren posting desert* I actually loved it, but it's just one of those things that didn't end up high on the priority list as my life filled up with other things I found enjoyment in, and ya know, adulting is hard with the juggling of the responsibilities and all. 

So here we are, at the beginning of September, and this year has been... a lot. We're all feeling the pressure in one way or another, whether it's personally, professionally, physically, financially, spiritually, all of the above. The ways in which 2020 has challenged us is a long list, and it’s easy for creativity and motivation to take a hit when our daily life is filled with uncertainty. I know mine have.

Enter: the Creative Roots Challenge. Sometimes we have to go back to the basics to rediscover our creative roots, and remember that creativity is deeply rooted in us all (even if we have to dig frantically to find it again). In order to motivate myself and hopefully bring some of you along for the ride, I've decided to host the Creative Roots Challenge on Instagram as a way to collectively spark our maker mojos! This challenge will include a weekly posting prompt, prize, and blog post. The best part? Each week's prompt will be conjured up by a different maker in our wonderful fibre arts community, and you can pop back here every Monday to read a Q&A all about each wonderful human!

OH yes, I am very excited about this my friends. Because I have the first 16 weeks spoken for and, if all goes as planned, I won't be stopping this challenge anytime soon. Here's a little rundown on how each week will work:

  • A new prompt will be posted on @knitbrooks Tuesday morning, explaining the week's challenge + introducing the featured maker + revealing the prize. The featured maker Q&A blog post will also be live here.
  • Participants have until Monday @ 1pm EST to post a challenge photo on the gram. You can use the hashtag #CreativeRootsChallenge, as well as a special hashtag related to each individual week (e.g. #CreativeRootsWeek1, #CreativeRootsWeek5). You'll have to use the hashtag in order to be eligible for the prizes, so don't forget!
  • One winner will be chosen and announced Sunday evening, whoop whoop!

At the end of every month, one winner will also be selected from the main  #CreativeRootsChallenge hashtag to win a special prize! If you're interested in contributing to the monthly prizes, shoot me an email to

Let the challenge begin!

Creative Roots Challenge knitbrooks

Week 1 Challenge: Snap a selfie (or a generic maker pic if selfies aren't your thing), introduce yourself, and share three reflections to summarize where you are on your creative journey.

Prize: Hand carved crochet hook holder, 5.00mm bloodwood crochet hook, and upcycled wood keychain

How to Enter: Post your challenge photo and tag @knitbrooks, using hashtags #CreativeRootsChallenge + #CreativeRootsWeek1. You have until Monday, September 7 @ 1pm EST!

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