The Great Canadian Yarn Dyer List
Here it is - a collection of Canadian yarn dyers listed by province! Enjoy supporting the amazing and talented pool of fibre artists in Canada!
Are you an indie dyer who would like to be included on the list? Do you know a Canadian dyer who isn't listed already? Email me at with your business name, website URL, and Instagram handle!
NOTE: this list is only as up-to-date as the information I am provided with - I don't personally keep tabs on the location or status of anyone's business. If you see outdated information, please email me.
Newfoundland & Labrador
Nova Scotia
- Botanical Fibres | @botanicalfibres
- Celtic Raven Fibres | @celticravenfibres
- Cosy Posy Yarn Co | @cosyposyyarnco
- Designs by Amber Fibers | @designsbyamberfibers
- Elegantly Twisted Yarns | @elegantly_twisted_yarn
- Gaspereau Valley Fibres | @gaspereauvalleyfibres
- Hand Maiden Fine Yarn | @fleeceartist_handmaiden
- Hypothesis Yarn | @hypothesisyarn
- Loch Briar Yarn | @kellylboyce
- Mineville Wool Project | @minevillewoolproject
- Natural Ewe | @naturalewe
- Nerds with Needles | @nerdswithneedlescanada
- The Woolworks | @hw_woolworks
Prince Edward Island
New Brunswick
- Grenouille Co. | @grenouilleco
- Lichen and Lace | @lichenandlace
- Ravens Wood Fibre Co | @ravenswoodfibreco
- Sweet Skein of Mine | @sweetskeinomine
- Turtle Purl Yarns | @turtlepurlyarns
- Annie Paaren | @anniepaaren
- Artfil Hand Dyed Yarn | @artfilyarn
- Biscotte Yarns | @biscotteyarns
- Bleu Poussière | @bleupoussiere
- Fleur et Bonbon | @gabrielleimbault
- Hidden Pond Yarn | @hidden.pond.yarns
- Humble Knit | @humble_mtl
- Je Laine Yarns | @jelaineyarns
- Julie Asselin | @julie_asselin
- Kat's Riverside Studio | @katsriversidestudio
- La Maison Tricotée | @lamaisontricotee
- Mailles a Part Yarns | @leslainesmaillesapart
- Sweet Paprika Designs | @sweetpaprikadesigns
- Tanis Fiber Arts | @tanisfiberarts
- Urso Yarn Co | @ursoyarnco
- A Finch's Nest | @afinchsnest
- Aberdeen's Wool Company (Tangled Poets) | @abderdeenswool
- Akara Yarns | @akarayarns
- Alley Cat Yarns | @alleycatyarns
- Amaranth Fibres | @amaranthfibres
- A Wanderer & Her Wool | @a.wanderer.and.her.wool
- Crooked Kitchen Yarn | @crookedkitchenyarn
- Dragon Strings | @dragon_strings
- Emily C Gillies | @emily.c.gillies
- Essence of Autumn | @essenceofautumn
- Feisty Fibres | @feistyfibres
- Georgian Bay Fibre Co | @gbfibreco
- Gravity Fibre | @gravityfibre
- Hello Stella Fibres | @_hellostella_
- Hipknitized | @hipknitized
- Hoglumps |
- Indigo Dragonfly | @indigodragonfly
- Lake Knit Yarns | @lakeknityarns
- Leo & Roxy Yarn Co |
- Lizzie Anne Yarns | @lizzeannyarns
- Log House Cottage Yarns | @loghousecottage
- Many Hues Fibre Studo
- Northbound Knitting | @nbknitting
- Oceanwind Knits | @musindigo
- Pine & Purl | @pineandpurl
- Piper’s Knits | @pipers_socks
- Playing with String | @playing.with.string
- Poppy's Pompom | @poppyspompom
- Roots and Rain Yarns | @rootsandrainyarns
- Red Sock, Blue Sock Yarn | @redsockbluesockyarnco
- Shelridge Yarns | @shelridgeyarns
- Shirley Brian Yarn | @shirleybrianyarn
- Skein or Shine | @skeinorshine
- Skipped Threads | @skippedthreads
- Songbird Yarn & Fibres | @songbirdfibres
- South Beach Yarn Co. | @soutbeachyarnco
- Strange Dye | @strangedyetara
- Stitch Noir | @stitchnoirfibrearts
- The Blue Brick | @thebluebrickish
- The Frosted Stitch | @thefrostedstitch
- The Green Button Jar | @thegreenbuttonjar
- The Loving Path | @thelovingpath
- The True North Yarn Creative | @thetruenorthyarncreative
- The Yarns of Rhichard Devrieze | @rhicharddevrieze
- The Wooly Cauldron | @thewoolycauldron
- Timber Yarns | @timberyarns
- Trailhead Yarns | @trailheadyarns
- Viola and the Moon | @violaemily
- Yarn Indulgences | @yarnindulgences
- Windmill Fibres | @windmillfibres
- Westlake Knits | @westlakeknits
- Wool Interrupted | @woolinterrupted
- Blossom and Fern Yarn Co | @blossomandfernyarnco
- Dye for Ewe | @dyeforewe
- Mammoth Yarn Studio | @deanamarieknitz
- Manjusha Fibre Arts | @manjushafibrearts
- Oh Nina! Hand Dyed Fibres | @ohnina.handdyedfibers
- Olive Park Yarns | @oliveparkyarns
- Remii’s Rovings & Yarn | @remiis_rovingsandyarn
- Smash Knits | @smashknits
- Sunflower Knit | @sunflowerknit
- Cog Yarns | @cogyarns
- Dyerwolf Yarn Co | @dyerwolfyarnco
- Forest Fringe Yarn and Knitting | @forestfringeyarn
- Living Skies Fibre Studio | @carolyn.carleton
- Midknit Cravings | @midknitcravings
- Purl Passion Fibre Arts | @purpassion
- Allison Barnes Yarn | @aliisonbarnesyarn
- Ancient Arts Yarn | @ancientartsyarn
- Arcane Fibre Works | @arcanefibreworks
- Brine Dyeworks | @brine.dyeworks
- Camp Fiber Yarns | @campfiberyarns
- Comfy Cozy Knits | @comfycozyknits
- Creation Miss Couture | @creation_miss_couture
- Creek Garden Crafts | @creekgardencrafts
- False Holly | @falsehollyatelier
- Fibre Goddess | @fibregoddess
- Flock Fibre Studio | @flockfibre
- Gingersnap That | @gingersnapthat1
- Knitley Road | @knitleyroad
- Lily & Pine Fibre Arts | @erinandlilyandpine
- Neatnik Yarns | @neatnikyarns
- Numana Yarns | @numanayarns
- Over the Moon Yarn | @overthemoonyarn
- Polka Dot Creek | @polkadotcreek
- Poppy Yarn and Fibre | @poppyyarnandfibre
- Prairie Spirit Alpacas | @prairiespiritalpacas
- Red Fox Fibres | @redfoxfibrescanada
- Rose Hill Yarns | @rosehillyarns
- Sassy Strings Yarn Studio | @sassystringsyarnstudio
- Sea Panda Yarns | @seapandayarns
- Sea Turtle Fiber Arts | @seaturtlefiberarts
- The Fawn and the Fox | @thefawnknits
- The Wool Baron | @thewoolbaron
- Tiny Human Knits | @tinyhumanknits
- Things Created Equal | @thingscreatedequal
- Vivid Yarn Studio | @vividyarnstudio
- Yarn Ink | @yarnink
British Columbia
- All Points North Yarn Co | @allpointsnorthyarnco
- Black Cat Custom Yarn | @blackcatcustomyarn
- Bramble Ridge | @bramble_ridge
- Elderberry Yarns | @elderberryyarns
- Everlea Yarn | @everlea_yarn
- Fat Marmot Knits | @fatmarmotknits
- Fidley Dyeworks | @fidleydyeworks
- Gauge Dye Works | @gaugedyeworks
- Granny Johnsons Hand Dyed Yarn | @grannyjohnsonshanddyedyarn
- Isis Fibre Arts | @isisfibrearts
- K-Zip Knits | @kzipknits
- Mud Punch | @mudpunch
- Myrtle Yarn | @myrtleyarn
- Okanagan Dye Works | @okanagandyeworks
- Pasley Knits | @pasleyknits
- Partea Knits | @parteaknits
- Poppy Shop Yarn |
- Riverstone Yarns | @riverstoneyarns
- Sarah Elizabeth Fibre Works | @sarahelizabethartistofcraft
- Smith and Ewe | @smithandewe
- Sooke Yarn & Fibre | @sookeyarnandfibre
- Stitch Mischief | @stitchmischief
- Sunday Fibre Co | @sundayfibreco
- Sweet Fibre Yarns | @sweetfiber
- The Spinnacle Yarns | @thespinnacle
- Tofino Knit Co. |
- Vegan Yarn | @veganyarn
- West Coast Colour | @westcoastcolour
- Wild West Dye | @wildwestdye
Northwest Territories
Are you an indie dyer who would like to be included on the list? Do you know a Canadian dyer who isn't listed already? Email me at with your business name, website URL, and Instagram handle!
NOTE: this list is only as up-to-date as the information I am provided with - I don't personally keep tabs on the location or status of anyone's business. If you see outdated information, please email me.